We use the Grapevine Platform to manage donations. All donation are tax deductible and 100% of your donation will go directly to a black- led organization in the Raleigh-Durham, NC area. We make grants twice per year through our Annual Holiday Pop-up Giving (November-December) and Annual Pool Fund (August) programs.

Annual Pool Fund

Our annual pool consist of membership dues and donations from friends and allies. These funds are raised over the course of one-year and donated annually in August of each year.

Annual Holiday

Pop-up Giving

Pop-up giving is a short, interactive giving experience that enables members, friends and allies to select a grantee and make a collective gift in less than two hours. Members, friends and allies can join the holiday pop-up contributing any amount to the collective gift. This is a great way to celebrate sharing love and joy during the holidays.

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Community Empowerment Fund

Location: Chapel Hill, NC

Grant amount: $850

Year: 2021

Fund: Holiday Pop-up Giving



Equity Before Birth

Location: Durham, NC

Grant amount: $5000

Year: 2022

Fund: Annual Pool Fund


Dorothy Mae Hall Women's Center

Location: Wendell, NC

Grant amount: $7115

Year: 2023

Fund: Annual Pool Fund


Announcing 2024 Grantee Soon


Grant amount:

Year: 2024

Fund: Annual Pool Fund
